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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Are we there yet? Trip Meter

We're getting ready to attempt our second ever drive to Florida.  Last year it went pretty well since the kids were 2.5 and 6 months.  I'm a little more worried about this trip since they're both another year older.  I'm starting to get a few things together to ward off the "Are we there yet? " questions and boredom.  
Here's what I came up with to show the kids how far we've travelled and how much further we have to go.  I took the cardboard from a cereal box and drew a "road" with about 18 meter marks along the way.  I also cut out a little car and attached it to the cardboard with a piece of dental floss.Every hour or so I'm going to move the car over a notch until we arrive.  Hopefully this works to demonstrate (at least to my preschooler since I'm not sure that my toddler will entirely understand) how far we've travelled and how much farther we have to go.
How do you keep your kids from continually asking the dreaded question,  "Are we there yet?"

About Me

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I'm a mother of a spirited 3 year old girl and a spunky 1 year old boy, and I'm married to my highschool sweetheart. When I'm home, I enjoy spending time with my family. I like to make things instead of buying them (if I can). I'm constantly learning new things and looking for something new to try.

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